Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Busy Little Valentine

Good Morning RRR lovers!  Tammy Louise again!  I'm both extremely happy to be sharing this project today with you all, but sad at the same time because today will be my last project as your GDT for February!  Thank you again Bonnie for allowing me to share my love of ribbons with all of your followers.
The Little Paper Doll slips inside the envelope on the front

My previous projects were more complicated than this little Valentine.   I chose this beautiful Random Hearts White Grosgrain ribbon because I knew it was going to be perfect for my little valentine. This is so close to my heart.  I'll share more of why I made this project on my blog.  She's 5 this year and we love every fingernail painting, snow man making, hot cocoa drinking moment.  
The card is just as beautiful without the doll and the ribbon is a perfect embellishment
But most of all, we love getting creative with Play-Doh, Shrinky Dinks and today coloring dress up clothes for this adorable Paper Doll Valentine card with the Some Odd Girl image Kaylee's Closet.
This is the closet part of Kaylee's closet!  The inside including the little Crayon pouch

Just look at my girl go!

Simple but full of beautiful coordinating ribbons, she barely allowed me to take the photos and pulled it off the photo tent to run over to the table full of oranges to snack on while coloring!  Best project all month!

Thanks for visiting, It was a real pleasure


  1. What a cute little project. Your little helper is adorable too. How fun to share crafting time. Thanks so much for guest designing for us this month at RRR. It was a pleasure to have you!

  2. Tammy, wonderful showcasing of RRR you truly did RRR well with your GDT. All the best in the future!!!
    ava g


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