Saturday, January 5, 2013

Shabby Chic Calendar

Every year I like to create a calendar . This time I created one with shabby chic style. Pretty vintage images layered over French post cards. The tabbed dividers will make it super easy to flip through and pockets on each page hold tags to jot down important dates.The Juliet Natural Crochet lace trim from Really Reasonable Ribbon matches the vintage style perfectly : )
Hopefully this will inspire you to create a calendar that that you really love...after'll be using it all year : )
Thanks for checking out my project...I hope you all enjoy a happy and productive day and find some time to be creative.


  1. Beautiful calendar Ginny. I love it!

  2. Very Very nice! So Beautiful!

  3. Oh this is really pretty x

  4. Very very cute and beautiful calendar here.

  5. Very beautiful calendar..looks so serene..

  6. Now that looks like something I could make with what I have on hand. Might not be similar even to what is shown but it'll be my version. Really like how simple it is, not alot of fancy embellishments to have to go out to buy.
    We don't live close to a town to buy supplies, it's a 1/2 hour at least to G.J., CO depending on weather so I like to try to use what I have on hand and improvise. Great project and inspiring.

  7. sooo pretty ginny! love it.


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