Thursday, January 3, 2013

Cozy Winter creating..



Good morning my RRR friends! We are breaking in the New Year quietly. We have had ALOT of snow. Luckily the sun has come out...but the temps are still frigid, like 10 below frigid. Good for me ...this is good snuggle up, keep your jammies on weather. Perfect for creating. I have two projects, quite different, but in the same color hues. I was in the pink mood...and just kept going with it.
                                My first project is one I put a lot of heart into (no pun intended). I love to go on the hunt for unique items to use on my altered art. Things other than scrapbooking related items, etc. I found that little deep shadowbox frame while on my travels and knew I would put it to good use. I painted it Ballerina Pink and gave it a coating of pink glitter. I nestled a little 3d pink heart and some dresdan wings inside. I added a little banner, other little bits and pink safety pins with buttons, and lots and lots of baby pink and rose seam bindings . Love to combine those two shades of pink together. I layered the smaller heart onto a bigger one for depth and added a Maya Road crystal style pendant to the bottom. My other little project is just one that told ME it had to be created. You ever get that feeling? Something just pops out at you and it comes together by itself pretty much. I love that sweet image of the children..I thought my sentiment fit it perfectly. I used some new PTI goodies . I had so much fun stamping this card and again added my seam bindings for the perfect touch. That is it for me today.  Thanks for letting me share!   Hugs, cherry


  1. All of this is so wonderful! I love all the attention to detail and the gorgeous colour that it glows with!

  2. Both projects are gorgeous - the details are amazing!

  3. Love these projects Cherry! Bee-u-tiful. Pink gingham and bows...swoon. Huggs Ginny


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