Monday, January 14, 2013

Altered Photo Frame

Good Morning and Happy Monday to you all!!!
Today is January 14th.  Today, I have officially been a Mommy for 16 full years.
Today, my oldest son turned 16, and I am still in disbelief.

Just wanted to share that moment with all of you!!!
Now, are you ready for Beauty?
Well, here is a little project that I did using a 5x7 photo frame that my husband won in a white elephant gift exchange over the holidays:

Here is a photo of the original frame.  Nothing special...just a 5x7 black wooden frame.
I had no real use for it, but I love frames...any shape, size, color...I can't resist a picture frame! It is a weakness of mine!  So, I couldn't get rid of it...but needed to find a new use for it.

 So, I "Put my thinking cap on" and came up with a plan!   I pulled out my kit from 3 Scrappy Boys featuring the Pink Paislee Portfolio Collection and I set to work! I cut the bottom left portion of this paper in order to keep the stars and the red line that resembled notebook paper.
I cut it the same size as the original mat, because I completely removed the mat, replacing it with the paper only.  See how it looks like a sheet of notebook paper now?  
When it was the proper size, I put it into the frame and replaced the backing.  that part is finished.  Now comes the fun part!  Decorating!  I cut four small banners large enough to hold the letters "n-o-t-e" and I inked the edges of the banners.  
I used the American Crafts DIY Thickers that came in the Main kit from 3 Scrappy Boys.  These have a peel off top that allows you to use any finishing material of your choosing.  I used some Flower Soft glitter dust from a previous Product Swap that Bonnie did with Our teams.  It is perfect for these thickers!  I simply applied a generous amount of Flower Soft, pressed it into the thicker, and shook off the excess.

Next I gathered a few more materials. I got my handy dandy Hemp from the RRR store.  I used the blue and yellow from this assortment:
I got my photo bars metal embellishments from Momenta:

And of course some hot glue and I put it all together.  I made a hanging banner on the photo bar and I hot glued it all to the outside of that plain old photo frame. Here is an up close photo of the banner:
And finally, I got a small dry erase marker and I attached it to the frame using the hemp cord so that it doesn't get lost.  This entire project took about 20 minutes, and in the end, I had a super cute dry erase note board! I LOVE this little thing!  
I think I will keep it on my desk and maybe change out my "quote of the day" or even use it to write my "wish list" on!  LOL.    I hope I have inspired you all to get crafty today. And remember...Have a Beauty FULL day!  Thanks for visiting today!

1 comment:

  1. What a terrific idea Misty! Happy birthday to your handsome son. 16? Oh boy. :)


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