Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Let Me Share My Organizing (Lots of PICS)

How many of you are  looking for a new way to store your supplies and still have them look nice?
OK, you can put your hands down now-
I see I am not the only one always looking for NEW ideas.
I know I get tired of doing the same way and need NEW ideas.
Let me share a way to hold your Bakers Twine spools that looks pretty while being functional.
I have just started collecting   er ordering some Really Reasonable Ribbon Baker Twine spools -
 To start my project I decided to use one of those carriers that hold my honeys favorite beverages...wink wink, you know the kind I am talking about. I chose one sheet of my favorite sparkly paper and made two cuts to fit my carrier.
 A piece of heavy chip board to re-enforce the bottom using Scor-Tape so I know it will stay together.
Did you know Really Reasonable Ribbon has Scor Tape for sale?
Next I used some Gesso to cover some of the top parts I know I wouldn't cover with paper...it took a couple coats and pretty much covered what I needed covered.
 Pretend you don't see this writing- you know you can use any type card board carrier-There are many types available.
Now I knew when I used 12 x 12 paper it wouldn't cover all the sides, so this extra panel was cut from the middle of the sheet of paper I showed above. Love that I wouldn't waste any of this ONE sheet of paper.
I love the pattern of this paper and each side shows a part from the sheet. Now I had to cover the side panels so I pulled out one of my favorite laces to use -Noelle White Crochet Lace .Don't you like the way it looks all around the bottom also?
Now what project would be complete without some EXTRA glitter? You guessed it, I added some scor Tape and glitter in the handle area. Make sure you keep it in an area that won't interfere with you holding or putting in supplies.
All that was left was to decorate with some of my favorite ribbon and flowers.
 I decided to add some more lace on the handle area, this is more of the Noelle White Crochet Lace . I put eyelets in each section to use to pull Bakers Twine through.
Can you see how nicely the spools sit in each section? On the left section is the newest Sweetheart Baker's Twine check it out it is red,pink and white!!!
One last ribbon I used was this beautiful Satin Swiss Dot Pearl Pink w/Hot Pink...it came in my January Ribbon Club...
Have you signed up for the Ribbon Club? It is such an economical price for the products you receive. So this was my organizational idea for this month, hope you enjoyed and come back to see what I share next time.
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  1. Great Idea and Love the way it turned out.

  2. What a TERRIFIC idea!! Your baker's twine holder is beautiful and the spools fit in perfectly. :)

  3. Such a creative storage idea!

  4. Just gorjuss!! Super tute, functional , but oh so lovely, love it!!
    lotsa luv

  5. How pretty and practical!! I especially like the eyelets to have the twine come through!!


  6. love it! great idea, and you made it fabulous!


  7. This is so pretty and a great idea! Thanks for sharing.

  8. What a great idea -- so pretty!

  9. Oh this is lovely what a great idea:) Sandra H

  10. What an awesome idea!!!!

  11. I love this, especially the way the twine comes out. Beautiful job on decorating. I have lg spools of curling/wrapping ribbon that this would be perfect for!

  12. Absolutely amazing, functional, practical and GORGOEUS!

  13. I agree with everyone who commented before me, what a wonderful and creative way to recycle. Thanks for sharing. Eunice B

  14. Wspaniały pomysł!!!
    ale u nas nie ma takich pudełek...


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