Thursday, December 15, 2011

Winners from our Recipe Swap and Packaging Theme Week!!

Hi everyone.  I'm just popping on for a quick post with our winner from our RRR recipe swap and goodie packaging idea theme week.  I want to thank all of you who linked in with your favorite recipes and packaging ideas.  I realize that everyone is busy this month.  We'll try this again next year in November!

The winner of our $10 Really Reasonable Ribbon Gift Certificate is..................................

Random Integer Generator

Here is your random number:  3

Congratulations Jacki R.!!  Please contact us using the contact button at the top of the blog and we will get your gift certificate out to you.

As a thanks for playing along we will be giving a ribbon club assortment to each of the ladies who contributed a recipe.  So, Jennifer, Sandee and Scrappyrat, please contact us with your full name and address and we will get that assortment out to you.  If you are already a ribbon club member (and I know some of you are), we will either send you an additional December assortment or send your January assortment free of charge.  Just let me know which you prefer.

And one more winner from comments on the December 3rd post...............................

Random Integer Generator

Here are your random numbers:13

Congratulations Becky Dunham !!

These look delicious! And easy too! And what a great gift idea :) Thanks for the wrapping tips!

Please contact us using the contact button at the top of the blog and give us your complete name and shipping address and we'll get your December ribbon club assortment prize out to you.

Thanks so much everyone!


  1. Oh thank you! I can't believe I won this gorgeous assortment! I would love to be a member of the club, but I am afraid it is not in my budget - however I am a ribbon addict so I am thrilled to have won! Will email you right away.

  2. I forgot to congratulate all the other winners! There were so many fabulous projects and yummies in this swap!


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