Sunday, December 11, 2011

Chocolate Haystacks

Hi everyone!   I am sure enjoying reading all these fabulous recipes.  I can't wait to try them out!
I have a simple but delicous recipe to share with you.  These are perfect for last minute gift because they only take a few minutes to make.

1 package dark chocolate chips
2/3 cup dry roasted peanuts
3 cups chow main noodles

Melt the chocolate chips in the microwave and then add nuts and noodles.  Stir until well coated.
Drop by spoonfuls on waxed paper and let them set.  You can put them in the refrigerator to speed things up.
So simple but soooo yummy!

To package them, I used a little paint can that previously held some Prima Flowers.

The lid on this can has a scalloped edge with holes punched in it.  I used some beautiful Ruby Red satin ribbon to weave in and out of the hole and then tied a bow.  I think it's the perfect touch to this little gift.  I know my kids' teacher would love this.

For more of the details, you can visit my blog.

Thanks so much for stopping by!



  1. I love making these, I use Butterscotch chips. Yummy!

  2. Nice job on the recycled container!

  3. Nice job on the recycled container!

  4. Fun container to use for your haystacks-yummy gift idea

  5. We used to make these when I was in Girl Scouts, but we called them Spiders. :) As I recall, they were delicious.

  6. I have not had these for years - but I remember loving them! Thanks for the recipe and the treat can idea!


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