Saturday, August 13, 2011

Really Reasonable Ribbon August Blog Hop

Hello everyone and welcome to another amazing Blog Hop here at the Really Reasonable Ribbon's Ramblings Blog! 

For all of our challenge lovers, don't forget to take a look at our new challenges that are posted on the 1st and 15th of each month. We would love to have you join in.

Today you will see some great projects using our August Ribbon Club Assortment from our very talented design team. They always come up with some super ideas. 

Isn't this assortment great??  It contains 8 styles and a total of 15 yards.  If you aren't already a ribbon club member, why not join us today!  You will get a fun new ribbon assortment shipped automatically each month.

Now let's get hopping and see what our fabulous design team has created this month!

Here is our blog hop list.  If you get lost along the way, hop on back here and we'll get you back on track.

Really Reasonable Ribbon blog

Now, be sure to leave some love at all the stops along the way. Your comments are most appreciated!

At the end of the hop, comment on this post answering the question below for a chance to win our August Ribbon Club assortment shown above.

Our question of the month is:

What ribbon width do you tend to reach for most often for your projects?  Narrow, wide, 3/8", 5/8", 7/8", wider?? 
Your answers will help us select what new item widths to focus on.

Our winner will be selected from the numbered comments on this post on Wednesday, 8/17 using Be sure to check back on Wednesday evening to see if you are our lucky winner.

Thanks so much for hopping with us today. We hope you'll stop by and so some shopping at Really Reasonable Ribbon soon.

~Bonnie Garby~


  1. I prefer narrow ribbon because I could then make bows to match. Thanks for the chance :)

  2. I really like at least 5/8" ribbon. Wider can make such a beautiful statement on a package or card! A big gorgeous bow! I have a ton of skinny ribbon, it tends to get passed by for a wider one.
    Kindest regards,
    Jennifer Ferrell

  3. These are very beautiful projects in the hop. So very stunning and amazing. Plus my favorite color. Blue. I normally use narrow ribbon. 1/8 to 5/8 but 1/4 is what I use the most.


  4. i love all ribbon any kind but i do tend to reach for more narrow ribbon for some reason as i think it works beautifully for making little bows and adding dimension to punched borders xx

  5. Gorgeous gorgeous projects all throughout the hop, and love the assortment this month!

    Hrmm... most used ribbon width hey... Good question!! I rarely go bigger than 1" but I don't like the narrow narrow ones either...

    I think what I use the most would have to be 1/2" :)

    Thanks for another great hop everyone :)

  6. I totally reach for the 5/8 every time =)

  7. Beautiful eye candy. I usually use 1/4 or 3/8 inch ribbons.

  8. lately I have been reaching for about 1 inch wide ribbons. :)
    Thanks for the chance to win!


  9. 5/8 is my go to size, but I am wanting to pick up some of the wider striped grosgrain, like 1 1/2". Thanks for the fun!

  10. I tend to go for narrow ones depending on the project. The narrow ones are perfect for textured trim and to create bows in buttons. Thanks for,the chance to win!

  11. Lots of lovely DT creations!! I grab for 5/8 size the most! Thanks for a chance to win!

  12. I LOVE ribbon!!!! Usually stick with the smaller sizes..1/4 to 5/8...but any kind of ribbon is a winner for me!!!!

  13. 5/8 is what I mostly have but I like the look of the wider ribbon-must get some of that to play with

  14. I like the narrow ribbon , thanks for a wonderful hop

  15. i use all sizes, depends on the project lol. i guess lately i've been using very narrow ribbon and twines, but love 1 inch and large too although the large width is hard w the smaller cards i do

  16. I really like the larger width especially the stripes grosgrain and the silks.

  17. pretty projects! I like the 5/8" although I do use most sizes.

  18. Wonderful job ladies with another great hop with lots of inspiration.
    I like to use all the widths of ribbon but 5/8th is my most used size

  19. Thanks for a wonderful blog hop as always.
    My favorite go to ribbon is the 5/8" and also the 3/8" I seldom use anything much bigger.

  20. Brillian job ladies l like all ribbon but my best would be 5/8th:) Sandra H

  21. Thank you again ladies for chance to win and sharing your projects :) I tend to use medium to wide , I'm not great at measuring ... Mostly guess (",) .. Lol :)

  22. I have some wide ribbons that I NEVER use ... thinner ones are easier to work with, and I'm seriously lovin my bakers twine!

  23. I typically use the narrow ribbons, from 1/8 inch up to half an inch. The wide ribbons look really dramatic and impressive on other people's projects however (I probably need to give them a try).

  24. I usually use 1/8 or 1/4 inch, but it really depends on what the project is. Last Christmas I used several different ribbons that were 1 inch wide on my projects.

  25. I use the narrow ribbons but for vintage cards I like a wider silk ribbon.

  26. I tend towards 3/8" or smaller for most of my ribbon.

  27. some wonderful projects made for the hop!
    I tend to go with 5/8" or wider. thanks for asking. :)

  28. Bonnie,

    I like 3/8 the best, just the perfect size.
    Thanks for the chance to win.

    Linda I

  29. 5/8ths is the most common, but I'm definitely not averse to using 1" ribbon either. :) Anything too thin, though, and it's a pain to try to find an adhesive for.

    Enjoyed the hop. Thanks!

  30. The projects of the DTs are so fantastic. Great job, girls.

    I prefer 3/8 and 5/8 ribbons for my projects.

    Hugs, Uta

  31. HI; I have visited all the talented ladies and seen one splendid project after the other!!!

    Size of ribbons?? Well I don't really measure them and never in inches (live in Sweden so we use the metric system) but I tend to use middle-size ribbons; not the very wide ones, not the narrowest ones (they are hard to get to stick in the paper) - the size on the majority of the ribbons in this months kit!

    La Vikinga

  32. Thanks so much for the hop... I tend to use 3/8 " or smaller, not too often do I use really thick ribbon! Thanks so much!

  33. Another great blog hop. The projects the DT created were fabulous. This ribbon assortment is beautiful. Blue is my favorite color.

    I usually use alot of 5/8 ribbon for cards, but I do love larger ribbon for scrapbook layouts...

  34. Very fun hop--lots of great ideas and blue is one of my favorite colors. I tend to use 3/8 inch ribbon the most.

  35. I enjoyed the blog hop! I tend to reach for 3/8 or 5/8 ribbon first. I'm trying to use more wide (1- 1 1/2), but it's more of a challenge for me.

  36. i like 3/8 ribbon.. or close to that.. its just easier to work with for my type of projects.

  37. Great hop, I couldn't leave a comment on one blog as there was no post to see lol.
    I prefer 5/8" ribbon mainly but it really depends on what I am making.
    Kim xXx


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