Tuesday, August 30, 2011

classic white...

School has begun here and back to daily uniforms for my little men. Each day they choose from red, green, blue or white polo shirts and shorts. My favorite, if I had to choose...the classic white polo shirt. There is something about those shirts that make me want to buy out the store and keep a stock pile at home. Sure...they don't stay that way for long (although thank goodness for stain lifters!). To me, it is worth the five dollars that goes into each one. So as I send them off today, keeping my fingers crossed no finger painting takes place during this school day, I wanted to play with a few white trims and ribbons from Really Reasonable Ribbon on my project.The white satin ribbon stands out amongst the other colors so brilliantly. Added a little white lace and light blue pom pom trim.



  1. Beautiful card, so feminine and frilly :)

  2. I also seem to be drawn to clean and soft look of white trims.
    This is a beauty

  3. Beautful so elegant:) Sandra H


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