Saturday, December 25, 2010

Ponytail Streamer Tutorial

Hello and Merry Christmas!!!  Today I have a cute little Ponytail Streamer Tutorial for you.  These are so cute and easy to make!  Here are the supplies you will need:

I usually use 3 different coordinating ribbons~ one is 7/8", one 5/8", and one 3/8".  Today I used some fun Christmas styles.  The 7/8" is Christmas Multi-Striped Grosgrain, the 5/8" is some Red Snowflake Grosgrain from the October Ribbon Club Assortment, and the 3/8" is some Merry Christmas Satin which is on SALE!!!

You also need a glue gun, an elastic ponytail band, scissors, ruler, and lighter(optional).  I cut my ribbon into 14" strips and cut the ends into a V.  The easiest way to do this is to fold your ribbon in half:

Then cut at a diagonal from the folded edge up towards the end:

This should give you a perfect V!

Do this with all of the ends and heat seal with your lighter:

Now, layer your ribbon on top of each other:

Find your center:

Mark Your Center:

Add some hot glue all the way across where your center point is:

Add a 1-2" strip of 3/8" ribbon:

Flip the layers over and add some glue to attach your elastic band:

Now wrap the ends of 3/8" ribbon strip around the elastic band and hot glue into place cutting off any excess:

Heat seal the end:

That's it!

I hope you enjoyed my tutorial, and I hope you have a wonderful Christmas with your loved ones!  See you next week!

Kerri :)


  1. Thank you so much for the tutorial. I will try this for my grand daughter.

  2. This is ADORABLE!!! TFS! -Sam :-)


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