Saturday, October 16, 2010

Using Wired Edge Ribbon for a Dramatic Embellishment

True :D here.
I love Saturdays!
Hubby is home and it's my turn to post on the Really Reasonable Ribbon's Ramblings blog!
I am using an image from my new digi stamp set "Eclectic Teapots" which is available for instant download now!  :)

This card just screamed for a big, beautiful, dramatic bow so I used Really Reasonable Ribbon's - Wired Sheer Iridescent Violet ribbon. The pictures don't do the ribbon justice. It is STUNNING in person!

Don't forget to check out the challenge we have going on at RRRR right now. It is a Halloween theme so dust off those little goblin stamps and come join in on the fun! You could win one of two $10.00 gift certificates!

Thanks for dropping by!


  1. Cute card! The ribbon is beautiful. Love how your PP choices really set it off and accent the cute teapot.
    Thanks for sharing! :o)

  2. I love wired ribbon!!
    Great card!

  3. Beautiful! LOVE the bright colors!


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