Friday, September 24, 2010

Come Sail Away!

Sssh... I'm a little late this morning getting my post up.  I had it almost finished yesterday before I had to pick Hayden up from school.  Then I had to finish my layout this morning after dropping him off.  There is nothing creative today, but I love the added touch the jute string gives my layout.  I could have just left the banner as it was, but this adds so much more texture!  That is why I absolutely love adding ribbon or something like it to my lo's.  It can make such a difference.  

If you would like to know how to make a banner, be sure to click on "layout" or "Susan Dupre" on the side labels.  I gave a tutorial on a previous post on how to make one.


  1. Beautiful!

    I like the new style with hanging little flags in different shapes!!!!


  2. Wow, such an awesome layout! I've seen lots of bunting sewn onto pages, but you're right about the jute - it's given the layout a real lift!

  3. LOVE that jute! Perfect addition for this line. And I love that banner too! :)

  4. oh my this is the CUTEST thing ever--I absolutely LOVE it--I'm going to borrow the jute idea--and got to hop over and shop now--thanks a lot! lol!


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