Friday, September 3, 2010

Anything Goes!!!

Before I had Hayden, I did interior design. One of the popular trends then and now, is an "eclectic" style. This is basically mixing all sorts of styles together. It could mean mixing shabby chic with contemporary, traditional with antique... You can do this is scrapping as well. It all comes down to color and scale. You can always mix different types of ribbon or patterns of paper as long as you stay to a certain color theme. Also keep in mind when mixing those pattern papers to keep in mind scale. You will want to keep your patterns in small, medium and then large. Otherwise, everything tends to fight one another. You can see by my layout below that I have mixed all sort of things together. You can see several of my ribbons are totally different. I have rustic twine, elegant silk, fun grosgrain and tatted lace. You wouldn't think that they would go together, but by keeping a consistent theme with my papers, it all works.

If you feel you would like to try this out for yourself, be sure to check out the Really Reasonable Ribbon Store HERE. The prices are great, and there is a huge selection. You can find every type of ribbon you would need to make this type of layout. All of my ribbons... came from the RRR store.

If you would like further inspiration on using ribbon in your layouts, just click on one of the label links to the right labeled layout or Susan Dupre. I've shared other ribbon ideas that I hope you will find inspiring.

1 comment:

  1. That's a great use of ribbon and especially those scraps you have laying around. Thanks for sharing.


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