Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Bundle of Joy

Good Morning!  I hope everyone enjoyed Really Reasonable Ribbon’s Blog Hop last week Friday showcasing some fabulous projects and a chance to win some blog candy from our awesome Design Team.  Be sure to check out our newest Challenge #6 - ALOHA going on at this time until August 31st for an opportunity to win a $10.00 gift certificate to Really Reasonable Ribbon.  Your card/project must include some type of ribbon/lace/trim.

For my posting this Wednesday, I made a card for a baby shower for a friend of my daughter’s.  She’s having a boy so I decided not to add any flowers whatsoever.  Instead I used Peach Minidots, 3/8” Green/Blue Funky Vert Stripe Grosgrain and 3/4” Spring Green Plaid Ruffle by May Arts.  I love combining many types of ribbons for a completely different look.

Here is my card:     

BB Isabella StrollerDigital Image:  BB Isabella Stroller from Bugaboo Stamps (colored image with Prisma color pencils and OMS).

Sentiment:  Bundle of Joy from Squigglefly.

Card Stock:  Blue and green (Colorbok – Textured Soft Pastels) and prints (K&Company – Itsy Bitsy Baby Boy).

Die-Cuts:  Nestabilities Circles/Scalloped Circles.

Inks:  Sakura Golden Star Gelly Pen (stars on sentiment) and Sakura Sky Star Gelly Pen (stroller on sentiment).

Embellishments:  Dovecraft Baby Boy Buttons from Donna’s Den of Crafts, 1/8” Peach Minidots, 3/8” Green/Blue Funky Vert Stripe Grosgrain and 3/4” Spring Green Plaid Ruffle by May Arts.  All ribbons are from Really Reasonable Ribbon.

Thanks so much for stopping by!  Have a fabulous week!

Hugs, Kym

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