Friday, August 27, 2010

Blog Candy Winner

This is the second post of the day. Please scroll down to see the great layout Susan has made for us today.

Hi there everyone!! Today is the day we announce the winner of our sweet blog candy. I want to thank everyone who commented. We have some great ideas for future posts. Thanks for telling us what you want to see!

Now for the winning number.......................

True Random Number Generator
Min: 1
Max: 172
Result: 93
Congratulations tmorrow!!

tmorrow said... 93
Just became a follower and put your blinkie on my blog: tmorrowstreasures.blogspot.comEverything you ladies do is wonderful.. I am a card maker so the flowers are great.

tmorrow has 48 hours to contact me by clicking on the contact button at the top of the blog and sending me your full name and shipping address.

Now if you didn't win don't worry. It seems we'll be celebrating 500 followers before you know it with an even bigger and better giveaway. Be sure to send your friends over. As soon as we hit 500 followers we'll have another celebration!



  1. A great big congrats on winning that amazing blog candy! Happy creating!

  2. congrats to the luck winner
    enjoy your goodies hun
    and thanks for this candy, up to the next one. LOL
    hugs angelique

  3. Congrats to the luck winner.......:)

    Graatz Thea

  4. Congrats! Enjoy aa of those ribbon goodies!

  5. wohooooo!!! Thank you so much. Wow this has been a fantastic summer to win blogcandy. Thank you ladies for giving us this opportunity to win a fantastic prize!
    Terry Morrow
    790 Montgomery Garden Rd
    Tyler, Texas 75708


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