Monday, May 10, 2010

Ribbon flowers revisited

Hello and happy Monday! I hope your Mother's Day was full of love - mine certainly was!
A word of explanation first - I'm sorry for the poor quality of the tutorial, that I'm bringing you today... I've never done one before in the first place, and then I had precious little time to finish it. It was hard enough to hold the camera in one hand, while holding the little things in the other, which also contributed to the photos being blurry. I promise I'll do better next time :)

I'd like to show you how to make a certain kind of ribbon flowers, that seem to be very popular lately. All you need to make them is some ribbon, scissors & craft glue.


The ribbon that I used is Wrinkled Ribbon in Pink, Ivory & Fuchsia, that you can find in our store.


To make four small flowers, I cut:
- four 6'' long pieces of Pink ribbon
- two 6'' long pieces of each Ivory & Fuchsia
For the big flower, you'll need:
- three 10'' long pieces of each colour

For the small flowers I combined either Fuchsia + Pink, or Pink + Ivory together. Combining two contrasting colours adds extra interest, but as you can see, monochromatic versions work very well too.
I started by gluing two pieces of ribbon together, while folding the edges like shown, so that no stray ends are visible later. This is going to form the center of the flower.


Next, preferably using both hands (lol), you roll up the ribbon a couple of times, from the folded side.
(once again, I'm sorry for the blurry photos...)


When you come to an end of the fold, you start to twist the ribbon, as you keep rolling it around. Again, you can see quite well how much volume & interest the twisting creates, when using two different colours. Make sure you alternate between them, so that both colours are facing up equally often.


You finish each piece off, by adding a little glue to the end, and tucking it underneath the flower. Simply trim any unwanted bits, and you're free to use your cute little somethings on a project!
With a little practice, it's easy to make a few dozens of them in one evening, while watching a movie... very relaxing ;)

Here's the finished card - we also carry these cute Jenni Bowlin butterflies, check them out here.


Supplies: cardstock: Quill; paper: Kaisercraft, The Girls' Paperie, page from a notebook; stamp: Kaisercraft; ink: ColorBox Black; sewing machine; pearls: Kaisercraft; butterfly: Jenni Bowlin; ribbon: Wrinkled Ribbon: Pink, Fuchsia & Ivory; letter stickers: Carolee's Creations, American Crafts

Thank you for visiting today, I hope you enjoyed your time!
Iwona Palamountain

1 comment:

  1. Don't worry about it, Iwona - clear enough ;) - beautiful flowers- love them ;) - thanks for the tutorial and the inspiration ;)

    Greetings, Misseke


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