Saturday, February 6, 2010

Super Woven Headbands using Striped Ribbon

Hi Everyone,

We've had some super cards featured already this month, but there is so much more you can do with ribbon. I've been working on my bow making skills, but what I really LOVE to make are these super woven headbands. I've been playing with color combinations, but I found that our new striped grosgrain styles are awesome for this project! It looks like a complex weaving pattern when it's really done with just one ribbon style.

I just LOVE this one!! It's a 1/2" white plastic headband covered with 3/8" berrysickle stripe grosgrain. What a super look!

On this headband, I used a 1" padded plastic headband which gave it a really nice, professional feel. It doesn't really come across in the photo, but the padded headband makes the finished product look very professional! I used 1/2" Pink/Lav/Lt.Blue Multi-stripe grosgrain from May Arts for this one. There are lots of great color combinations available in stripes.

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  1. fabulous. i have tons of headbands. these are great!

    hugs :)

  2. Can't wait to get the ones I ordered and try out something new. WAHOOOO

  3. tutorial?
    those are super cool!


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