Monday, February 1, 2010

Gingham Red Micro

Good morning Ladies! Mondays will be my post day showing you some fabulous ribbon Really Reasonable Ribbon has to offer. Today I would like to show an easy Valentine’s card for that special man in someone’s life I made using the 1/4” Gingham Red Micro ribbon. This ribbon can be purchased in 4 yards, 10 yards or 23-25 yards. And comes in an assortment of colors.

Here is my card:

Bikini Top

Bikini Bottom

Template: Bikini template (received from my good friend – she has had for many years).

Card Stock: Peach (TAC), white glitter (Basic Occasions) and heart print (K&Company – Ka-Zoo).

Punches: Marvy Daisy punches.

Embellishments: White lace, white half pearls and red half pearls and Gingham Red Micro ribbon.

Thanks for stopping by.


  1. love what you did. That turned out soooo cute. Great job!!!

  2. Soooooooooooooo cute - love it - what a great template!


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