Monday, December 4, 2023

RRR Boutique Christmas Bows

 Hello everyone! Happy Monday to you all!  Misty (@Mommyofkidz) Here with you today for the first time in a very long time!  I was so excited when Bonnie invited me to join the Team again...and I couldn't wait to get started!  I was on the team when my baby was 4 and I left around the time that she was 8...when life got too overwhelming. My love for ribbon NEVER diminished, though!!  Life has calmed down a bit, and my baby is now EIGHTEEN and a freshman in college!!!  Once upon a time, I used to make super fancy hair bows for her... but I kinda don't think she will wear them anymore.  Now, I get to make them for my niece's baby girl.  I will even try to get photos every now and then of Missy Prissy wearing one...but not this time sorry! She has been sick and cranky, so I opted to just take photos minus the adorable model.

Today, I want to share  a couple of bows that I made using the GORGEOUS Christmas Assortment along with a few other ribbons tossed in for good measure.  Y'all...isn't this the most amazing assortment!?  It is perfect for every Holiday craft you can think of!

This assortment is spectacular, as are ALL of the assortments that Bonnie creates!  When it arrived, I immediately had visions of sugarplums dancing in my head!  This was going to make a PERFECT bow! I started with the red and green plaids and solids from the assortment, and added in a black grosgrain 1 1/2 inch for the base, and a 7/8 red grosgrain with black swiss dots. I used a few of the white star pearl embellishments on this one for a bit of "Extra" beauty.  

I am in LOVE LOVE LOVE with the stars...I put them on Everything! Bows, cards, tags, scrapbook pages, you name it!  They are gorgeous!! YES...I am addicted to these things, too. 

For the second bow...I decided to make it a cute little Korker.  For the Korker ribbons, I just wrap my ribbon around a dowel rod and bake them in the oven on 275 for half an hour. YES...I bake my ribbon!
For this one, I used all of the 3/8 inch ribbons from the Christmas Assortment and added in a few more as well.  More swiss dots...because I am addicted to the ALL the colors! I also tossed in a 3/8 inch zebra print to add a bit of funky flair to this bow...I mean...Every little girl has a wild side, right? 

Hopefully theses bows will make Miss Everleigh smile when I give them to her.  I know they male me smile! I haven't made a bow in ages...and it sure did feel good to do these! I even have a bit more ribbon leftover...I just may get creative and crank out one more before I deliver them. With Christmas time upon us, I know these will get plenty of use! 

Thank you for stopping by today and indulging my ramblings about my love for ribbon.  
Bonnie truly does have the best...and she creates the most gorgeous Assortments! I am truly honored to be back with this amazing team, and so very excited to be creating with Bonnie's ribbons again! 
Go take a look for yourself...I promise you will find the perfect ribbons for ALL of your holiday projects! I hope you all have a wonderful week...and Stay Crafty My Friends!

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