Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Fall Festival Pocket Folio

 Hey there friends and crafty peeps! Ginny here with a project perfect for the changing season. I created this pocket folio for day 1 of my 4 Day Focus on the Mintay Fall Festival collection. 

Please join me for a tutorial...

~Really Reasonable Ribbon~ Plaid Ribbon  Brown/Cream Tartan, Trellis Roses, Rose Buds, Cherry Blossoms, Ivory Burlap String.

Wishing everyone a happy and productive day : ) G


  1. This is stunningly beautiful! The combo of colors, pattern and layout is extremely charming and so appealing. Four pages of inserts is great! And I love the way you attached the wreath hanging from the button. Looking at this adorable vintage fall/winter scene it is evident that the workmanship speaks for itself due to the very beautiful details. The tutorial is very well done with clear, concise step-by-step instructions peppered with lots of helpful hints. A spectacular day and cannot wait for the next 3 days! For the question of the day - YES! (During the holidays we have a sliver of each and we too have ice cream for those who want it. I prefer some vanilla flavored whip cream!)

  2. Absolutely stunning creative and fabulous card x

  3. Absolutely beautiful!!! I love everything about it from the clever layout to beautiful papers. Chocolate pecan to be specific


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