Friday, August 13, 2021

Really Reasonable Ribbon August Blog Hop

Hello everyone and welcome to another amazing Blog Hop here at the Really Reasonable Ribbon Blog!

Today you will see some great projects using our August Ribbon Club Assortment from our very talented design team. They always come up with some super ideas. 

Isn't this assortment great??  It contains 9 styles and a total of 18 yards.  If you aren't already a ribbon club member, why not join us today!  You will get a fun new ribbon assortment shipped automatically each month.

Now let's get hopping and see what our fabulous design team has created this month!

Here is our blog hop list.  If you get lost along the way, hop on back here and we'll get you back on track.

Really Reasonable Ribbon Blog

Now, be sure to leave some love at all the stops along the way. Your comments are most appreciated!

At the end of the hop, comment on this post answering the question below for a chance to win our August Ribbon Club assortment shown below.
Prize is offered to customers with US shipping addresses only.

Our question of the month is:
How does your garden grow?  
Do you have a garden?  Veggies or flowers (or both)??  My vegetables are struggling this year.  We have two weeks of rain with very little sun and I'm seeing a lot of rot.  I have very high hopes that my tomatoes will be ready before the first frost.  It's a struggle in central NY with a really short growing season...

Our winner will be selected from the numbered comments on this post on Tuesday August 17th. Be sure to check back on Tuesday evening to see if you are our lucky winner.

Thanks so much for hopping with us today. We hope you'll stop by and so some shopping at Really Reasonable Ribbon soon.

~Bonnie Garby~


  1. Our garden is not doing so well right now. The heat is wilting it it is so hot. The weeds though seem to flourish. Edwina Brown

  2. No veggies, just flowers that are looking pretty dried out. Another "dangerous temperatures" heat wave has engulfed the Pacific NW. I'm ready for Fall rains to start!

  3. We have a flower garden - and it is so beautiful - because my husband does it all - as for me - plants and I do not get along - but I love love plants - yet hubby has the GREEN thumb- before the condo we also had vegetable garden but not allowed here - so I missed all the fresh veggies!

  4. I have a flower garden under the front bay window and the hubby has a bonsai garden in the entire (big!) back yard. lol No veggies tho we did grow tomatoes one year. Too much trouble, but delicious!

  5. I have a flower garden table now that I live in an apartment. Miss my bigger garden. Next year I hope to try a deck garden.

  6. I WISH! I have no sun in my yard. I would LOVE to grow veggies! My sister does and always sends me pictures of her "from the garden" salads! I am so jealous!
    Love the new ribbons and amazing DTs creations!

  7. We normally have plenty of vegetables to enjoy and to share with others. This year, we put in the garden and had 13 inches of rain in the span of a week. It didn't grow well, as a result, and we especially missed the tomatoes. The good news is that the paper and ink flowers produced for cards are doing well.

  8. My tomato plant and pepper plant are doing well. My flower bed is struggling.

  9. I have a veggie garden in a raised garden bed. My tomatoes did awesome but my squash and bell peppers did not.

  10. Love this collection--Autumn is my favorite time of year. I have flowers in pots around the house and a vegetable garden. We have had peas, potatoes, spinach, onions, lettuce, green beans and the tomatoes are finally starting to ripen. Hope to have corn soon too.

  11. Love this autumn collection!
    I have lots of plants and flowers on my front deck that I enjoy. For the first time this year, I also planted a cherry tomato plant in a container on the deck! Looking forward to getting some fresh tomatoes soon!

  12. I wouldn't really call it a garden, unless 3 potted veggie plants on a patio counts. The tomatoes were growing like crazy until a storm blew the pot over and snapped the stalk in half. But they're bouncing back pretty well. The 2 pots of green beans on the other hand, well, they're dead. Guess they don't like the heat we've been dealing with. Can't blame them though, I don't like it either! Seriously love all the ribbons, and definitely cannot wait for fall and cooler temps!

  13. I live in Florida and have never been able to grow anything as the Sun fries everthing...or infested with bugs and worms...I love homegrown tomatoes..nothing like the taste! Beautiful Autumn Ribbon assortment and lovely DT inspiration.

  14. No garden here! Great hop & ribbon

  15. This year's garden is full of blackberries. Sadly I was too ill to plant this year so the blackberries took over.

  16. We have orchids that we love! It is about all we can grow due to our tropical weather and heat and tons of rain. It really is wonderful to see all of their blooms 2-3 times per year and they last a long time so we bring them inside so as to see them more. We purchased 2 new ones this summer that have a fragrance since our others don't.
    Loved the new fall foliage ribbons and inspired by everyone's projects using them!!


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