Monday, November 16, 2020

Just Believe upcycle candle top ornament

Hi there my fellow RRR peeps!  Cherry visiting today to share a mason jar lid ornament.  I always have to make a few of these each year.  Great way to recycle those candle lids. This one was covered inside with aqua blue glitter. 

I nestle a bunch of fun beads, homemade flowers, and tags inside.

I backed it with pattern papers and chipboard.

I hope you enjoyed!  Stay healthy, sane, and crafty!
XOXO, Cherry

RRR Supplies:



  1. Wow this is stunning - I like all the added items on this festive ornament!! I also love you recycle - A Mason Jar lid is a great idea for an ornament - thanks for sharing

    1. Yes me too Gail, I am always thinking now what can I do with this????? lol

  2. What an awesome idea! From now on I'm saving everyone of my candle lids! Your ornament is SWEET! Luv how you decorated that lid! Thanks so much for the inspiration! Suzy Q


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