Thursday, August 13, 2020

Really Reasonable Ribbon August Blog Hop

Hello everyone and welcome to another amazing Blog Hop here at the Really Reasonable Ribbon Blog!

Today you will see some great projects using our August Ribbon Club Assortment from our very talented design team. They always come up with some super ideas. 
Isn't this assortment great??  It contains 9 styles and a total of 18 yards.  If you aren't already a ribbon club member, why not join us today!  You will get a fun new ribbon assortment shipped automatically each month.

Now let's get hopping and see what our fabulous design team has created this month!

Here is our blog hop list.  If you get lost along the way, hop on back here and we'll get you back on track.

Really Reasonable Ribbon Blog

Now, be sure to leave some love at all the stops along the way. Your comments are most appreciated!

At the end of the hop, comment on this post answering the question below for a chance to win our August Ribbon Club assortment shown below.
Prize is offered to customers with US shipping addresses only.

Our question of the month is:
How is your summer going?  Are you still working from home and/or sheltering in place?  Is school reopening in your area?  Did you get a vacation?  Share what this past month has been like for you.

Our winner will be selected from the numbered comments on this post on Monday, August 17th. Be sure to check back on Monday evening to see if you are our lucky winner.

Thanks so much for hopping with us today. We hope you'll stop by and so some shopping at Really Reasonable Ribbon soon.

~Bonnie Garby~


  1. never stopped working (essential they say) and could not go on my vacation.. :( thank goodness for crafts to keep me going. Been a difficult time but hanging in there and learning new techniques. thank you for your blog and the change to win a prize.

  2. Summer is going great - husband is working at college - schools are not sure on opening-- yes we took our own mini vacations -- crafting and walking with my neighbor has keep things happy here-- as well as church on line services - so all is good.

  3. What a beautiful ribbon set and so much lovely inspiration from the DT! My summer has been uneventful. I work in a large hospital based laboratory, so I have never stopped going to work. We wear masks all day. We were supposed to go to a very large (170-200 people) family reunion in another state, but it was postponed until next year, so I tried to get some Re organizing done at home (I need another 2-3 weeks to finish!). Some schools around here are offering a hybrid schedule-part at home and a couple of days in the classroom. My grandson’s school district made them pick either at home or in the classroom. My daughter is keeping him home, even though he wants to go back, because he is immunocompromised. It is a challenge because he has ADD so he needs a lot of supervision even though he’ll be in 8th grade.

  4. Fabulous summer here at our beach house, hubby just retired end of last year, so though no going places for us, at least we are blessed to be here. So far, unless it changes, our schools are giving a choice for the first semester, online or at school classes, but whichever is selected you have to stick it out for the semester. We never vacation since we have the beach house (can't afford both. .hah!). Last month has been busy with traveling between houses for grandkids grad parties, but our weather has been perfect!! Beautiful ribbons for August!!

  5. Still sheltering in place here. I took a leave of absence from work back in March. I only worked one day a week, but I can't take the chance of giving something to my husband. And luckily, I still have a job waiting for me when I'm ready to go back. Very pretty ribbon assortment! Love the yellows as they remind me of my mom (her fave color).

  6. I am surprised that these days of staying home are flying by so fast! I thought I'd get much more, etc...Ha! Isn't happening! I'm spending wa-a-ay too much time in front of TV and YouTube. On the other hand, I've seen some wonderful programs and learned some very interesting things I never knew I was interested in...crazy how this is working!!! LOVE the yellows in this ribbon collection! I always associate August with sunflowers, bees and sizzling temperatures. Pacific Northwest is heading into a weekend of 100+ degree days. YUCK!

  7. Summer has been quiet - we have enjoyed the time together and a less hectic pace. Planted a container garden which has provided a lot of happiness. It is unfortunate that we had to cancel the "gathering of our clan for Thanks Giving" (, we do this normally every other year). But we plan to meet for early spring, if things improve. I hope the schools can implement a safe program and amount of students in a room. My husband and his bother are sad that it appears sports will be postponed for the local college - they enjoy the football and basket ball games. No vacation. Paper crafting has made this time more interesting and productive for me. Love the ribbons.

  8. WOW! I LOVE the August set with the sunflowers! Gorgeous! I WISH I could go somewhere! I really want to visit my niece and nephew in PA but it's just not safe... I haven't seen my parents or sister and nieces/nephews since Christmas 2019! I haven't hugged anyone since than either ;(... Schools are still debating whether to go all remote or hybrid here... but I'm starting GYM/RECESS class for K-5th at the end of the month to help out :) I'm a personal trainer so I thought it would be nice to get the kids outside!

  9. Love this sunflower ribbon collection. I have sunflowers blooming in my garden right now. We live on a small farm and have been keeping busy. We took a day trip to a Lakeside resort area where my son and family were on vacation. Other than that we basically stay at home. Church was online but recently opened up with safety measures so that is the only place we go. Schools are starting after Labor day. I thought I would have more crafting time but have been busy with the garden. I did finish a few sewing projects. I doubt there will be craft shows so haven't felt like working on those.

  10. pretty summer collection of ribbons. We have a 40 year anniversary this month and had a trip to Hawaii planned but that had to be cancelled. We have done small little trips to the surrounding states. School is starting in our area this week and church has started back up. I'm retired so no work for me. Dealing with Covid in the most positive way possible.

  11. Great projects on the hop with this pretty assortment!
    We are staying home a lot, just going out for necessary items like groceries. I'm getting some projects done, and some cardmaking! Today was spent working on staining/sealing the redwood deck in 91 degree weather. We are both retired, happy to say! And I'm not sure yet what will be happening with our local schools. I know they'll start out online.

  12. What a fantastic ribbon collection! You can never go wrong with plaids, florals, and the coordinating solids. :)

    Summer has been different, that is for sure. My husband is the director of a camp. Thankfully they were allowed to open at the last minute. Many protocols in place for safety.

    Our son and his wife were able to get married in June, although with a much smaller guest list and event than they were planning. It was so lovely to see everyone! Helps to remember what is really important, especially during difficult times such as what we have been going through.

    I don't leave the house much anyway because of my cancer, seizures, and other health issues. So the quarantine hasn't been a change for me personally. I am still working very diligently on a journal for hubby for our anniversary at the end of this month. Crafting is always so therapeutic and essential for my mental health, when I feel well enough. A hospital trip also took place, which was made even more distressing because my husband wasn't allowed anywhere on the property. We understand the reasoning completely, but still was difficult. I was able to come home in a short time and the entire staff was amazing, but my heart goes out to anyone having to stay for a longer period of time and not being able to see their loved ones.

    Anyway, I am so very thankful for the many blessings we count daily. Prayers for everyone as we try to go about our daily lives as safely as possible.

    Thank you, Bonnie, for being open and providing such beautiful products for our crafting projects. :)

  13. This is a beautiful ribbon collection this month.
    My summer has been boring, mostly because I have been sick. I haven't left my home for a while. I think school is online, but I don't have school age children so not sure. I have done very little crafting this month because of my illness. I will be glad when this is over. It wouldn't be so bad if I could shake this illness. Crafting is what keeps me shane.

  14. wow, lots of q's. i love this months ribbons. they speak to me. not in a creepy way in a good one. :) i'm retired so not "working" from home. summer is very hot here. my summer and all year starts out daily walking my siberian husky. he's a very high energy dog so to keep the peace we walk him, alot. some days we go to the park. they finally opened the bathrooms. not that i plan on using them but ... you never know. i gave up going in the woods when i was a kid. so about a month after opening them they closed them for re-modeling them. i don't know. ya think those two could have been simultaneous? i guess not. playgrounds are still closed. school is getting ready to start. it was going to be in person for two weeks alternating days then last week it changed to all virtual. by next week who knows! may change again. very hard for parents to make arrangements when things keep changing. vacation NOT. too hot for me to head to the beach. no plans can't always find open restrooms. i'll wait a little. the past month we have been getting ready for my dh's cataracts surgery. his last one was a big mess so we are preparing in case. one thing a few of my friends have decided to do. on fri. around noon we go get a smoothie. they have tables outside so we spread out and catch up on what we have been doing. my dh asked me how long i was going to be gone. i said idk an unspecified amount of time then i would be getting groceries for another unspecified amount of time. the first time we met we were there talking for 2 1/2 hours. only 3 of us. what alot of hot air! well, i'm off for another smoothie today!

  15. Summer has been so different! We are still working 2-3 days per week. Doing training (virtually) while home. Has definitely been something to get used to! We say we want to stay home-but it's not as fun as I thought it would be!! Of course, I've made cards till I'm trying to sell some. Running out of space! We thankfully postponed our vacation till mid September. I'm praying everything will be ok. Love RRR and appreciate your blog hops and inspiration!

  16. This summer is flying by! Mostly hubby and I are home...except for mostly local trips to our grocery and the dollar store. I do babysit our 3 year old grandson, only a couple times a week that keeps me busy. Our school opened 2 weeks ago and we are so worried about our grandchildren ...and one moves into college next week. We did take a 3 day camping trip in June with our truck camper ...kept mostly in the woods and kept to ourselves ...just to get away for our anniversary. Been so busy with canning and freezing garden veggies the last few weeks that was shared with us by family members! Its been a great harvest season! Your RR Ribbon team has some gorgeous creations for us this month again. Thanks for sharing. Suzy Q

  17. Absolutely gorgeous ribbon collection for August. My summer is actually going pretty well, even though all our craft events have been cancelled. We started a Zoom crop two days a week and we've had lots of fun seeing one another. Our crafty group is scattered in two different states and, honestly, we've seen one another a whole lot more during our Zoom events than we would by just attending retreats. There is ALWAYS a silver lining, right?!? For the most part I am still sheltering in place other than quick trips to pick up groceries ordered online. Our local seniors group decided to meet in our community park and the warm summer days make this weekly event a grand - and safe - occasion. We all bring our own chairs, masks, coffee and lots of conversation. Our schools are opening virtually. While I no longer have school-age children, I do have friends who are teachers and they are scrambling to make sure they - and the children they teach - have the tools necessary to ensure each student receives the classes they need while maintaining a safe start for everyone. I didn't get a vacation this summer but that's okay. I am confident I'll get one in the future. I was blown away by the beautiful creations made by the RRR team. They - and you - are the best!

  18. I have been working in my profession as a dental hygienist since first week in May. Two vacations were of course canceled and I lost money but all is well. Working hard and long!! Am pouring into scrapbooking and cards weekly and quite often since that is my entertainment!!!! Unfortunately am not going to crops but sure do love going shopping and eating out. We are getting more restaurants opening more and more!! Mostly I cook but it really is nice to at least have a choice! Am in love with that sunflower ribbon for this month!! Great inspiration by your talented designers!


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