Monday, April 27, 2020

Milestone Birthday Card Folio

Hello, Friends!  How do you feel about the color purple?  It's one of those colors that people are rarely neutral about.  You either really love it or you don't.  I've grown to really love the rich hues and saturated tones of this color.  And I used a ton of it on this vintage style milestone birthday card. 

The 3/8" Grape Plaid Ribbon from the April Ribbon Club adds the perfect finishing touch to this box style card.  One of the things I love about 3/8" ribbon is that it's great for tying bows with multiple loops.  The Zutter Bow it All Tool makes this task extra easy.  I honestly don't know what I would do without it in my studio! 

I love the way the ribbon picked up on the lighter shades of purple in this paper and brightened up the dark hues.

This box style pocket on the inside of the card has room for lots of treats.  

When you have this much goodness stuffed inside a card, the card becomes the gift.

Milestone birthdays should be captured on film, so I created a little accordion style folio to tuck inside the pocket.

You can tie more of that pretty Grape Plaid ribbon around the photo album to hold it closed, too.

I hope I've shared some ideas and inspiration that you can use in your next crafty adventure.  Thanks for stopping by!



  1. beautiful work - always like to view what Kathy has created - great designer of projects

  2. So pretty and creative as always x

  3. Kathy this is stunning work and am in awe of your creativity! Gorgeous embellishments and ribbons and blossoms!


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