Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Shabby Chic Decorated Egg w/ Really Reasonable Ribbon

Hello everyone and Happy Wednesday to all! Today I have a super sweet Glitter Egg that I decorated with all Really Reasonable Ribbon, using the Gorgeous Ribbons, Lace, Seam Binding, and flowers that Bonnie at RRR carries. Love them all!!

On the egg I started with the lace, and used the wide Cindy lace, and Bonnie has others that are so pretty, you can find them Here. I then made a big bow out of the Delicate Stitched Ribbon, and then the Lace, and then used the Canvas Colored Band in Pink (LOVE this), of course I love all Ribbons...hehehehe 

So after doing all of my ribbon work for the bows, now its time to layer the flowers. I started with the Pink Carnation and green leaves 30mm, which now you cant see. After that I ruched up the checkered ribbon, if you pull a strand it ruches very nicely, or you can pull the plastic part at the top or the bottom, be careful when doing so, you can pull it out completely. Anyways once I did ruche it up I hot glued it under the sides of my carnation on both sides. I did add a Rose bud on both sides, however for some reason the one side fell out, and i forgot to hot glue it. I also added some Aster Daisy's as well.

**I save all my stems from all these flowers, I try to cut them up high close to the flower, and then I can use the wire to tie my bows. Its nice to recycle and use up all the wire for other things.

Really Reasonable Ribbon Supplies:
Lace (cindy)

other supplies:
Plastic Easter Egg(walmart)
Hot Glue Gun
Wire(I save all the stems from the Really Reasonable Ribbon Flowers)

I hope you enjoyed my post for today, and thank you so much for stopping by! Have a lovely day!
Hugs to all!


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