Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Really Reasonable Ribbon April Blog Hop Winner!

Thank you so much for hopping along with us this month on the Really Reasonable Ribbon Blog Hop. We had so much fun and we hope you did too!! We'll be hopping on the 13th of each month, so be sure to mark your calendars and join us again next month.

Now, on to our winner who will receive the April Ribbon Club Assortment from Really Reasonable Ribbon.

The winner will have 48 hours to contact me by clicking on the contact button at the top of the blog and sending me your full name and US shipping address.

True Random Number Generator  

Congratulations Debbie Craine!

10.   Debbie Craine4/14/18, 4:31 AM
Love you ribbon combinations for April. I have to say that my favorite vacation activity is anything that includes my family and friends. I had 2 first's last year. My daughter and the girl that share an apartment took me to Branson MO where we shopped celebrated my daughters birthday and saw a show. The next first would be a cruise my girlfriend won a cruise for 2 and asked me to go with her. I had a blast can't wait to go again.

Now if you didn't win, don't worry!! We will be 'hopping' each month so you'll have another chance to win soon! We hope you stop by and visit our blog often.


  1. Congratulations Debbie! You lucky duck! These are so gorgeous and loved all the designers' inspiration!

    1. Thank you yes they were beautiful. And I have the perfect events coming up. My girlfriend from high school's daughters son and daughter are having babies one boy and one girl.

  2. Thank you so much. I have tried to use the Contact us link but it wont let me access it. My E-mail is debbie_craine@hotmail.com Again thanks so much

  3. Congrats Debbie have fun working with this gorgeous collection.


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