Friday, March 9, 2018

Hippety Hoppity Here Comes the Easter Bunny!

Hello, Ribbon Lovers!  Here in North Carolina, the grass is getting green, the trees are starting to bud, and the daffodils are poking up out of the ground.  Spring is definitely on the way, and you know that means the Easter Bunny will be here soon!  Time to break out our March Ribbon Club Assortment and make beautiful springtime projects!

This is my very first Easter card of 2018.  Don't you just love these sweet little Easter Bunnies?  I've dressed this card up with Turquoise Shimmer Satin Ribbon from the March Ribbon Club Assortment.  This assortment is perfect for springtime crafting!   I've topped it off with a loopy Ivory Burlap String Bow and a flower from my stash.

I've tucked a bunch of little Easter treats into pockets on the inside of the card.

The upper pocket has this sweet little tag and a mini envelope filled with a tiny wrapped chocolate.

The bottom pocket has this cutie patootie tea bag wallet and honey stick inside.  I've dressed up the honey stick with a double loop bow tied with Green Flash Diamond Satin Ribbon.

I hope I've shared some ribbon tips and tricks that you can use in your own Easter crafting. 

Thanks so much for stopping by!



  1. This is so cute. And chocolate is always good for breakfast! tigo

  2. Totally stunning card as always your talents really shines through with this one x

  3. This is so fabulous and love every inch of it!! The design on the front is superb and every piece inside is such a treat!!


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