Monday, November 28, 2016

Pie......or Cake?

{judy}Happy Thanksgiving to all my U.S. friends! It's a few of days after, of course, but we enjoy our family time and meal times for longer than just one day. We like to slow the Christmas rush as much as possible!

On Thursday we enjoyed a bountiful meal, and were so thankful for it. And it seems that while other holidays might have cake taking the lead, this one seems to be a pie holiday! So... GET YOUR PIE ON!
Isn't that the cutest image? It's from Art Neko, and called, believe it or not, Get Your Pie On! I think it's so fun! I decided to jazz it up with my colored sequins, as if they were the sugar on top of the pie crust, and made a shaker card.
I stamped with a dark brown dye ink, and then colored in using Distress and Zig markers. I added some wheat die cuts from Reverse Confetti, and topped it off with a beautiful satin ribbon from the November Ribbon Club - Crosshatch on Copper Satin:
This ribbon has such a gorgeous sheen to it! I added some Ivory Burlap String over the top of the ribbon and die cuts and tied a simple bow. 
I hope you all have a wonderful week for the rest of November, celebrating your blessings no matter where you are!

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