Sunday, February 22, 2015

Your Beauty Is Golden

Hey everyone.  How's your weekend going?  It's Dana back with you today.  I'm still in a whirlwind of all the celebrating we did this month.  I'm ready to sit back and relax for a few days.  No make that weeks.  LOL  I did have a chance to make a card for a sweet friend of mine who came to our celebration.

I had this image colored up for a while but never had the right ribbon to finish off a card.  That is until I ran through the Really Reasonable Ribbon shop and picked up this gorgeous Shimmer Satin Daffodil ribbon.  Isn't this ribbon GORGEOUS?  Wait let me give you a closeup.

I know...I heard you.  Yup, that is some beautiful ribbon.  But wait, it gets even better.  It comes is sooo many fabulous colors.  Check out all these colors Bonnie has in store. I know, your jaw just dropped.  It's okay...I know I just blew your mind.  LOL

Don't let me keep you.  Head on over to the store and fill up your cart with this fabulous ribbon.  I'll see you soon.



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