Tuesday, February 4, 2014

My ribbon storage ideas..

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Hello.....fellow ribbon addicts.   It's my turn to share a few areas where I house my ribbons.  I am a vintage loving gal.....I KNOW I was born in the wrong era...sigh.  I love to use old containers...milk glass, buckets,  enamelware, and even an old chicken feeder I have hanging on my wall.  Whatever floats my boat I use!   I have my sweet bakery twine wrapped around old wood spools and wrap my laces around wooden clothespins.  Once my laces get down to small little snippets (can't throw them away) I tuck them in my ME tea cup my Mamma got me.  I am very sentimental and love to have little things surrounding me that my loved ones have given me.  The little mama penguin and baby were given to me this Christmas by my son.  Other than that I also house my ribbons in mason jars, and wrap a lot of them around large parcel tags securing them with stick pins.  Hope you have enjoyed the  little peek into my craft room!  hugs, cherry


  1. Your lace and ribbon make me swoon! I read somewhere to put your little pieces of left over ribbon in a basket in your garden and when birds are building their nests they will come and take some pretties. Isn't that a wonderful idea!?

  2. Thanks for sharing your tips always looking for new ways to store my ribbon have a great day!

  3. I'm swooning also! What gorgeous ribbon and ribbon storage you have! I love the cherries that are little jingle bells - so darling! Your photos are beautiful!

  4. Cherry, my heart is vintage also. Love you ideas!! Wish I had more space...I would be a "copy cat". Thanks for sharing!!

  5. Love the creative ways you store ribbon.

  6. What lovely ribbons you have, and it seems like a good storage idea as well. Thanks for showing us.

  7. I love the style and functionality of your system. It's just so pretty and inspiring!

  8. super cute storage system for your ribbons hun! Love the darling idea's way cute!


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