Saturday, February 8, 2014

Crazy Ribbon Storage-By Jenn Cochran

Hello RRR friends and fans!  Jenn here with my ribbon storage.  I love seeing how everyone else in the crafty world organizes their "stuff".  I hope you have enjoyed seeing the RRR DT so far this week.

 My storage is pretty random.  I use what I have...but it works.  I purchased the below spinner at a yard sale.  I am sure it was for hanging little items in celo packages from each arm.  I started out that way with celo packages with each kind of ribbon in it.  But it wasn't utilizing the space.  SOOOOO, I just rainbowed the ribbon and hung it off of the little arms.  I cannot believe how much more ribbon I got on it once the celo packaging was eliminated.

Here I keep all of my NON-RRR in jars from the supermarket.  I have them all wound on doll pins.  Each jar is a different color.  I think there are 7 jars total.

Here are my stacker plastic drawers.  They are 12x12 and I have 6 drawers in a stack.  The top drawer are my RRR extras and all of my RRR-Wild Orchid Flowers.  

This is the HOT MESS when you open it.  I just shove all my tiny bits of ribbon and all my flowers into the drawer.  

This smaller spinner sits on top of the 6 drawers stacked.  It hold all of the neutral colored ribbons.  Directly to the side of this is my pegboard.  It holds spools of twine.

Here is another drawer of random NON-RRR ribbons still on spools.  I just am too lazy to take the time to spin them onto doll pins.  

Here are some random close-ups of the fabulous Really Reasonable Ribbon. 

Thanks so much for stopping by to check out my wild ribbon storage.  Hope you have a great weekend!


  1. How wonderful to look at that rainbow of ribbon every day! Thanks for sharing.

  2. Thank you for sharing and love all the ribbon. Great storage ideas!!

  3. Great storage ideas--love the rainbow of colors on the spinner.

  4. What a great system love the rainbow thanks for sharing have a great weekend

  5. This is the storage system I want to try. I have enjoyed seeing everyone's solutions, but I think yours will work best for me. I am so happy you did this posting - wonderful idea.

  6. Love all the bright ribbon colors.
    May I suggest something. Having your ribbon by a window like that; the light will fade your ribbon even if your blinds are closed.
    Might be something for others to think about as well.
    I keep all my ribbon as well as my card stock stored in an enclosed area so the light doesn't fade the colors

  7. thank for sharing the deets on the spinner for storing your ribbon, will have to keep a look out for one of these.

  8. Love how you have all your ribbons stored, im sure it makes for easy grabbing this way! Love it!

  9. I love the rainbow spinner! What a fabulous collection of ribbons you own! It looks like a very happy place to create!


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