Friday, August 16, 2013

RRR August Blog Hop Winner!!

This is the second post of the day. Be sure to scroll down to see the beautiful project that Ginny has made for us today.

Thank you so much for hopping along with us this month on the Really Reasonable Ribbon's Ramblings Blog Hop. 
We had so much fun and we hope you did too!! We'll be hopping on the 13th of each month, so be sure to mark your calendars and join us again next month.

I'm so glad I asked the question about commenting this month.  
I got a lot of wonderful feedback.  I want everyone to know that I read and appreciate every single comment that comes through on the RRR blog.  I also have to admit that I am terrible at commenting myself.  I am going to make a huge effort to change that.  My thing is a huge lack of time.  If you all knew how much of my time goes into this business, you likely would not believe it.  :)

If anyone is curious as to why most people look and do NOT comment, here is what I learned from the responses and emails I received from some people:  
1 - lack of time, 2 - those horrible word verification things.  Please, please, please, turn those things off.  If you are worried, set your blog so you moderate the comments.  Did you ever get one of those word verification photos where you just can't tell what the letters are?  Very frustrating!!   3 - People think their comments are not being read or ignored. 

What I've gathered from this is people would like to be acknowledged for their time in visiting your blog and commenting, so if possible, head over to their blog and say hi when you receive a nice comment. One thing that frustrates me is when someone asks a question and/or wins a prize and I try to email them and I go to their blogger profile and there is no email listed.  Please attach an email to your blogger profile. :)

Now, on to our winner who will receive the August Ribbon Club Assortment from Really Reasonable Ribbon.

The winner will have 48 hours to contact me by clicking on the contact button at the top of the blog and sending me your full name and shipping address.

Random Integer Generator

Here is your random number:  2
Timestamp: 2013-08-16 14:18:27 UTC

Congratulations Angela!

Angela said...2
I comment to say thanks for visiting my blog and to thank bloggers for sharing their beautiful creations. I stopped by RRR because I needed some beautiful ribbons. This is the best place to shop!

Now if you didn't win, don't worry!! We will be 'hopping' each month so you'll have another chance to win soon! We hope you stop by and visit our blog often.

Be sure to check out our current challenge here. We'd love to have you play along with us. Have a super day!

~ Bonnie Garby ~ 

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  1. Many congratulations Angela xx

  2. I often get a comment written and when I click post I get a blank box that says copy these 2 words. I can't see any words.. so I leave without being able to post the comment.

  3. Congratulations, Angela!! ~ Blessings, Tracey

    Garden of Grace


We'd love to hear what you have to say