Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Summer has Gone to the dogs...


Hello are  you beating the heat??  I am just barely!  We have been in the 3 digit numbers.  I have two fun cards all about the puppy in your life.  You know me and my seam binding....I never tire of it. RRR has so many pretty shades...many new colors too.  I used Bay leaf and baby pink.  They add just the right amount of softness and a pop of color to my cards.  I also think they work so well with the vintage style images.  Hope you enjoy!  hugs, cherry


  1. Nice card!
    I loved the colors and the design!

  2. Gorgeous vintage cards!! ~ Blessings Tracey

  3. beautiful card!!

  4. Your cards are gorgeous as always Cherry!! I love the little dog images. It makes me think of my Little Golden Book story books from when I was a kid. :)

  5. LOVE THEM BOTH CHERRY!!!!!!!:) It's been RAINING here today!!!!!!:/ MAYBE, tomorrow will be all SUNSHINE!?!?!?! ;)


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