Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Peace ~ Love & Tacos

Yep...you read that right!  My latest creation was for my stinkin' 12 year old to hang in her bedroom.  It is a Peace sign that totes her FAVORITE quote...
Peace~ Love~& Tacos.
Silly Little Girl!!!

Here is what we will be making with my tutorial:

And below I have included my step by step tutorial complete with photos. 
I bought my chipboard Peace sign at Hobby Lobby in the 
unfinished section. 
You will also need 
Mod Podge
a sponge applicator
an X-acto knife
sanding paper
random embellishments including

I chose to use Apple Green Sheer Organza for my cluster

And VOILA!  You re finished with a super COOL super CUTE little project
that Any teenager will love!

Have fun and I hope I have inspired you to do something creative today!  


  1. This is great teenager room decor!! Love it Misty!!

  2. How fun is this!! Thanks for sharing! ~ Blessings, Tracey


  3. How cute! My 9-year old would love something like this, too! Shoot...I'd like it, myself, it's so fun! :)


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