Friday, April 12, 2013

Happy Friday



Happy TGIF!  I have a couple of cards for you made for RRR...both different but both about creating with your hands.  Sewing, crocheting, making things from the heart.   They both remind me of my Mother....and so they both became Mother's Day cards.  She crochets afghans and used to sew my doll clothes for me.  I used a mix of goodies and combined my RRR ribbons with a bit of very old lace snippets.  The Carolina white crochet lace works so well with antique laces.  I have been using it a lot lately and love its sweet nostalgic look.  I also added some gorgeous glass/shell buttons I found of late.  There is nothing like them.  I of course had to add my seam bindings.  I inked the edges a bit for wear and aging.  I used baby pink and lace blue.  Just a couple of good ole fashion cards. My favorite type to make...the most like me.   I hope you all have a lovely weekend.   hugs, cherry



  1. So very busy and pretty. xxx

  2. Beautiful as always Cherry. I love the pretty seam binding bows.

  3. Oh Cherry how beautiful: ) I love them both.

  4. GORGEOUS JOB CHERRY!!!!!!!!! (I KNEW it was your work again!!!!!! :) You have a SPECIFIC STYLE!!!!!!!!! :) )

  5. Both cards are so pretty, I wouldn't mind getting one of those for Mother's day. Love to be able to give one also. Happy weekend

  6. Fabulous job! Both of these cards are so beautiful. I have a friend who's mother is a quilter and another friend who knits, so they are both perfect!
    Keep up the great work!


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