Friday, December 14, 2012

Jingle Bells

 For the December RRR Blog Hop, click HERE.
Hi Everyone and Happy Friday!
Misty here today and I want to share with you my super 
quick and easy jingle bell necklaces.
It is getting super close to Christmas, so we all need a little 
jingle in our step right??  LOL.
While browsing the Dollar Store in my area about a week ago,
 I came across this package of larger jingle bells.  
They are packaged as ornaments.
Well, Of course the wheels in my head started turning. 
These were large enough and pretty enough to turn into Jingle Bell Necklaces!
OH!!  And just two boxes would do 18, which means they would make absolutely wonderful classroom gifts! I know...EL CHEAPO!
LOL.  Well, I have 5 kids, so gimme a break!
So, I bought enough packages to do both Skye's and Dayne's classrooms, and this is what I made...

I used just a random assortment of my scraps from my Christmas ribbon, added in some embellishments and bling, and when I was done, had beautiful jingle bell necklaces for the kids to give to their friends!
AND...they were easy enough to make that the kids helped with a few....BONUS!  
Hope I have inspired you today!
Break out some ribbon and get to crafting!


  1. So beautiful now they are decorated thank you for sharing this x

  2. Great idea for classroom gifts Misty. Also a great scrap ribbon use. Thanks for sharing the idea!

  3. misty, very quick and very cute.
    ava g


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