Friday, November 23, 2012

Christmas Bow Tutorial


 How was your Thanksgiving? Mine was lovely and simple. Lots of yummy food and the blessings of my Mom, Dad, husband, and son...and of course the animals. We gathered around and ate and than chit chatted. So thankful for simple times like that. They are the memories I hold most dear.  I hope yours found you well and happy...and full of pumpkin pie!                                              Now that thanksgiving has passed, it is definitely time for full on holiday crafting. Have you started? You better get to crackin' will be here in a New York minute. It always comes faster and faster each year. You can never have to many holiday cards in your arsenal. With cards comes I thought I would share my bow method again using my beloved red seam binding from Really Reasonable Ribbon . You know me and my is so much easier to use separate bows... and for me the best way to go about getting that perfectly imperfect crumpled look I love. I did a full wrap around on this card...wrapping all the way around the cardstock and tying a bow near the top. I wasn't too concerned with the first bow. I then added a few of my paper diecuts to the card base. Then.. as you can see in the second pic I tied my second bow and adhered it. I use hot glue. I am too impatient to wait. I always hold it there for a second with my finger right in the center which causes the ribbon around the bow to "poof" up..which I like. I also sometimes will wet a paper towel just a smidge and wrap my ribbon in it lightly to crumple it up again. I notice sometimes when you start playing with it it can start to straighten back out . I usually use two separate bows..but once in awhile will add a third if it is not full enough. The trick is to alternate the bows so they criss-cross each other. Easy peasy. From there it was just a matter of adding my goodies to the card and I was done! I would love to hear if you tried this and if  it worked for you! Hope you enjoy..and I didn't confuse you too much! Happy craftin' and hugs, cherry

Ribbon- Really Reasonable Ribbon Red Seam binding
Cardstock- Wplus9 stamps
Pattern paper- Pretty Little Studio Home for Christmas
Diecuts and images- Pretty Little Studio Home for Christmas
Buttons- my vintage stash
Candy cane- TJ Maxx

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