Saturday, March 24, 2012

She's Gone Country!

Yes, you read that title right!  
I've gone country!
Actually, since I am a true blue Texan, 
I am just a Country Girl at Heart!

I love anything even remotely resembling "down home country".
When I set out to design a pen holder in honor of the
Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo,
I could not have chosen anything other than a Boot
and some of the BEAUTIFUL ribbons that Bonnie has in the store.

Here is the pen holder made from my daughter's old boot:

Yes, this is an actual boot that once fit upon my baby's tiny foot! 
No longer is she that tiny, but I could not bear to part with those little boots...
so I decided to make a functional piece of art so that I can always remember how adorable she was in her little RED BOOTS. 

To make the pen holder, I first inserted a wedge of floral foam.
Next, I decorated the boot with the beautiful Gingham Ribbon and 
Natural Jute Ribbon that Bonnie has in the store.
Last, I inserted my pens into the floral foam in just the perfect angle to achieve the look of flowers growing out of it!

THis was super easy to make and I absolutely ADORE it! Plus, I get TONS of compliments about it since I now have it sitting on my desk at work! 

I hope I have inspired you to recycle something
 and turn it into something beautiful!
Oh heck, go garage selling and find an old pair of toddler boots and make your own boot pen holder!
I promise...You will LOVE it! 

Thanks for visiting us today!  Have a Magnificent and CREATIVE weekend!


  1. You are just so creative Misty! I LOVE this project. Awesome!!

  2. This is too cute, love this ideal!!

  3. This is so creative and adorable as can be.

  4. This is so cute. I could really see one like this in my house. I am country to the bone :)

  5. Love it. My dream is to own red cowboy boots! Since I live in southern CA and am fast approaching 50....I am not so sure it's going to happen, or be a good look IF it does! But, now I know I can alter them if need be! hee hee

  6. That's just one of the cutest things I've ever seen!!!

  7. Very cute and really cleaver

  8. AWESOME!!!! Hugs! Leah Ann

  9. This is incredibly creative! I love your ribbons and the flowers you've made!

  10. Amazing work of art!!!
    Hugs Outi


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