Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Your're My Cup Of Tea

Hi Sarah here.Today  I have a Cup of Tea card using the yummiest of ribbon from Really Reasonable Ribbon.I used this yummy  ribbon found here>>>.....Sheer Ruffle Edge Old Gold
Isn't this ribbon beautiful? Check it out , it comes in several different colors.

I like to apologize to everyone, I thought my card was due for Wed. and I didn't discover it till I went
to upload it and realize it was for today.I worked last night and then had to go in early this morning,so I didn't have a chance to even go online to check it out.

Thank you for visiting and have a wonderful night!


  1. Love the god and white combination, very subtle. That ribbon does look yummy!

  2. This is gorgeous the colours are beautiful as is the ribbon truly lovely:) Sandra H

  3. LOVE LOVE LOVE the golden essence you have captured here!


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