Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Halloween Bow Tutorial

Thank you all for your super sweet comments yesterday about my Halloween Bow!  I absolutely love to make bows, and I am blessed to have a little girl who loves to wear them!  She actually told her teacher that 
 "My Mom makes all my bows.  I have one for every outfit in my closet."
I had to giggle out loud at that one!  
She doesn't quite have one for EVERY outfit...yet! (wink wink)

So, are you all ready to learn how I made that bow?
It is sooo easy! 
I actually used techniques that I have already introduced to you in other posts, so this should be easy peasy lemon squeezie for y'all!

Here is the bow that we will be making using the 
September Ribbon Club Assortment:

The first thing you will do is make your spikes.  I show them in this post <<here>>
You will make your several pikes in assorted patterns and sizes and seal in your ends.  I used all of the ribbons from this month's club assortment.
When you have 15-20 spikes, you will tie them all together in the center using size 20 cotton crochet thread.  You will tie as tightly as you can about 3 or 4 times to ensure that they are secure.  At this point, you can fan them out and arrange them in any way you want them to lay.  You should have something that resembles this...

Then you will add your spirals.  I showed you how to make the korker bow spirals in this post right <<here>>.  I used all of the rest of my 3/8 inch ribbons that were left from the ribbon club assortment.  I also added in a bit of 3/8 lavender and 3/8 apple green grosgrain.

After I cooked my ribbons, I cut them into 4 inch lengths gathered them all up and tied them all together in the center using the cotton crochet thread.  BE SURE to tie TIGHT.  The tighter you tie, the more secure the ribbons are. You will have something that looks like this...
if you look close, you can actually see my threads sticking out in both pictures where I haven't trimmed them yet.   You will want to trim those! LOL
The next step is easy peasy...Place the spirals on top of the spikes, and...
Tie tight!!
And now you will add your center knot, as shown in this post  <<here>>
Here is what you should have at this point...

In this picture above, you can see that the spiral are layered on top of the spikes, and the larger purple ribbon is serving as my center knot. 
In the photo below, you can see the back view of the bow as I am adding the center knot.

The purple ribbons that point straight up and down is the center knot.  It is hot glued in place leaving only a small space 
at the back open and ready to add your clip.  I always use a french clip, but you can choose any style you like.
This is when you hot glue your clip in place, trim the ends of the center knot and hot glue them in place, and make sure all ends are sealed and the bow looks good. 

Now you will use your fabric stiffener to saturate your ribbons, adjust them to how you like them, and use your hairdryer to dry the chemical.  Your bow is now complete and ready to add your feathers.
Here is what the feathers look like before I add them... 

It is a feather boa that I cut into 1 inch pieces and hot glue into the bow to fill in any gaps.
I also mentioned this in this post <<here>>.
When I was finished hot gluing the feather boa pieces into the bow, this was my final result!

Now, see how easy that is!!!  I just took techniques that I have already shown you and combined them...and VIOALA!  A masterpiece!  And YOU can do it!  
As always, if you do try to make this bow and would like help, just leave a message here, or contact me or Bonnie and I will do my very best to help you out in any way that I can. 

Thanks for stopping in today!  I hope you have a fantastic week!
Oh...I am sure you have all heard of the multitudes of wildfires burning down here in Texas.  PLEASE say a little prayer for all the families that have been affected, all of the men and women that have risked their own lives to help, and for all of the children that are dealing with such tragedy. 
Thank you all so much! 


  1. hiya sweetie
    this is absolutly gorgeous hunni
    what a pretty picture, it looks great
    hugs angelique

  2. My two girls will love this! Thanks for sharing and linking to the previous posts. Love your store! I have to say that the Christmas ribbons I purchased last year are so awesome. Looks like I'll be getting some fall ones soon.


  3. Thank you Thank you Thank you!!I am making this tonight with my September ribbon pack!

  4. Great bow! Thanks for sharing:) Think I'll give it a try!

  5. Wow, what a fun hair bow. My girls would love this. TFS.

  6. This is fantastic!!! Now I just need to get enough ribbon to make one....thank you so much for granddaughter will love these....


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