Monday, January 17, 2011

Bow With Brad Tutorial

Hello everyone!
True :D here.

I got a very warm responce to my Inky Antics ~ "Consider Yourself Hugged" card that I posted last week on my blog and many of the comments were about the bow.

I even had a couple of people email me with questions on how I did it.
I thought the best way to explain it is with a quick video tutorial. You will see just how simple it is.
The ribbon I am using in the video is from Really Reasonable Ribbon's beautiful January Ribbon of the Month package.

The Vintage Pearl Brads are from Creative Charms which works out perfectly because the are our co-sponsor for our current Really Reasonable Ribbon's Rambling challenge. The challenge is "Use Hearts and Ribbon" and runs through January 30th. I think we are all adding hearts to our creations this time of year so why not come join us in our challenge, share your creations with others who would love to see it, and be entered for a chance to win one of the prizes?  :)

OK... enough of my rambling!
On with the show!

See...told ya...EASY!

Thanks for dropping by!
True :D


  1. Thanks for the tutorial, seeing it done makes it so much easier!! Thanks

  2. Fantastic tutorial!! I really enjoyed it! I will definitely give this a try! Thanks!

  3. Thanks for sharing the video tutorial. That is such a lovely bow. TFS.

  4. Awesome and quick tutorial. Thanks so much for sharing. The easier the tutorial the better. Looking forward to seeing more. "Hugs" Carol

  5. Well you weren't kidding, that was easy. Wish I would have thought of that. Great tutorial and that ribbon is pretty.

  6. wow that was easy you never to old to learn.
    Thanks for the tutorial.
    Hugs harma

  7. This is a great idea True. Thanks for the details. Definitely on my "to do" list! Hugs.

  8. That card is soooo cute! I love the bow idea too.


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